Blue Print Kent

"The Blueprint for Maryland's Future" Law: What is it?

The purpose of this website is to help Kent County citizens understand this law, which is the most sweeping, expensive law ever passed by the Maryland Legislature; it will be affecting our kids, our County, our State and, above all, our tax bills for many years to come. In fact, just the phase-in will take eleven years. Probably for that reason, the Governor and the media have been notably silent about it. The new Law is discussed in six presentations on this website. They are:

Using this website

On this Home Page, to view the Blueprint Law Overview (or any other presentation in this series), simply left-click on it.

When the presentation comes up, just use the wheel on your mouse or the scroll bar to the far left of your screen to view the graphics. When you get to the end of any presentation, you can click on the presentation's "return bar", and you will be taken back to the Home Page.

Note: Throughout these presentations we often refer to the cost of the Law as falling on "counties" instead of "school districts" or "jurisdictions", because, with one key exception, Maryland's school districts are aligned with their counties, whose taxpayers have to provide the district's funding or "appropriation".

Disclaimer: The facts in these presentations and narratives have been sourced from the United States Government, the State of Maryland (Department of Legislative Services, Department of Education, etc.), Kent County and numerous foundations, articles, blogs and studies. Every effort has been made to ensure their accuracy, but we are human. No warranty, expressed or implied, is made that every data point herein is precisely correct, although we have extensively footnoted our work so that anyone can fact-check it. The opinions expressed are our own, protected by the right of free speech.